The GOP's Plan to Redefine Rape
Some things are so unbelievable that it's hard not to fall into the defensive position of satire.
taken from the American Century for Inseminationist Rights lobbying newsletter:
Rape not Yet in the ClearSatire off. //
The new law is not without some caveats. The new Republican dominated Congress has decided that the decades-old ban on "roughing up" your victim will stand. The new standard that rapists and pedophiles will need to acquaint themselves with will be "forcible rape." This new definition of rape opens up an avenue of non-forcible rape for the RAP (rapists and pedophiles) community to explore. While Statutory Rape remains illegal, the adult seducers of young girls will be secure knowing that this new kinder, gentler rape means their progeny has a chance. Even though most likely incarcerated (the pre-born constitute a particularly viable genetic evidence trail), a rapist or pedophile who successfully inseminates their victim won't be the only one sentenced. Underage rape victims without financial means will no longer be eligible for pregnancy termination under Medicare, unless they can meet the undefined new "Forcible Rape" standard. Clearly, it lies in the hands of adult predators to navigate this tricky gray area.
Date Rape Baby Boom
Expectations run high for serial acquaintance-rapists. While regularly hidden in the so-called "gender-role confusion" community, rapists who formerly limited their enthusiasm to taking their victims by surprise when they switch out of their "nice guy who paid for dinner" persona to assume their "she wants it rough" demeanor, are feeling empowered to set higher goals. "I've always wanted to be a dad," states one convicted rapist, speaking on condition of anonymity. "The 6 months probation I served after my last rape conviction didn't take my heart out of it, but I felt I'd been there, done that. Now with fatherhood on the horizon, all I have to do is find the right impoverished hottie and I can become a baby-daddy. With privileges."
The devil is in the details, and apparently in these legislators hearts. Rape is evil. Purposely creating a society where rapists rights are more important that the victim's is abhorrent. Why do these radical conservatives love rapists so much? I know. Apparently to these minds, unless a woman is battered, broken, and otherwise physically harmed in ADDITION to having her innermost self violated, it's not heinous enough to warrant their notice. Children who are seduced by pedophiles, women who are drugged and raped while unconscious, women whose bodies go into shock and paralysis under trauma, who don't come out with broken ribs, concussions, and savage rips: these are all cases of rape that could be described without the word "forcible." This law would say that all these women and children, their spirits and bodies and futures, their individual liberty and right to own their own decisions, are less important than the sperm a rapist would inseminate them with. We have to say no to this. No one wants to hear about rape, but we can't go backwards. Why do these radical conservatives love rape so much?
Love the opening statement. Welcome to the brave new Congress, where rapists and pedophiles will be happy to note that the campaign to reinstate their long-eroded right to inseminate their victims no longer falls on deaf ears.